Psalm 107

W. van der Kamp, 1972; & William Helder, 1980

  1. Give thanks to God, rejoicing
    Because the LORD is good.
    Bless Him with anthems voicing
    Your love and gratitude.
    He who our peace ensures
    Forsakes His promise never.
    His steadfast love endures,
    And we are His forever.
  2. Let His redeemed now say this -
    Those whom the LORD set free -
    For He their strength and stay is;
    Gone is their enemy.
    Let all then praise His Name!
    In far-off lands He sought them.
    From east and west they came;
    From north and south He brought them.
  3. Some, wand’ring in waste places,
    Found nowhere they could stay.
    God heard them and was gracious;
    He led them on their way.
    With thirst and hunger weak,
    They cried to God to save them
    From deserts dry and bleak.
    A place of rest He gave them.
  4. God led them to a city
    Where they could safely dwell;
    He showed them love and pity.
    Let them His wonders tell,
    And let their anthems rise.
    His steadfast love relieves them.
    Their thirst He satisfies;
    No more their hunger grieves them.
  5. Some chained in gloomy prisons
    Endured His anger’s rod.
    They had rebelled and risen
    Against the words of God.
    His counsel they had spurned,
    The Most High’s voice neglected.
    In vain for help they yearned;
    They were by all rejected.
  6. They cried to God to save them;
    He broke their shackles all
    And liberty He gave them;
    The gloom did He dispel.
    Let them God’s love adore
    And at His marvels wonder;
    He shatters great bronze doors,
    Snaps iron bars asunder.
  7. Some were with illness stricken
    Through sinful ways and guilt.
    All food caused them to sicken;
    They were with loathing filled.
    Close to death’s gate they came,
    And there were none to cheer them.
    Then in their grief and shame
    They cried, and God did hear them.
  8. To them His word revealing,
    He came with power to save,
    Stretched out His hand of healing
    And snatched them from the grave.
    Let them all thank the LORD,
    Their sacrifices bringing,
    And His great deeds record
    With joyful shouts and singing.
  9. Some who in ships were sailing
    The ocean’s mighty sweep
    Saw there God’s power prevailing
    In wonders of the deep.
    The tempest, when He spoke,
    Caused waves to rise like mountains
    That roared and fell and broke
    Into wild, foaming fountains.
  10. They were distressed and humbled,
    Their soul did melt away;
    Like drunken men they stumbled
    In terror and dismay.
    The LORD saw their despair,
    And when to Him they shouted,
    He heard their fervent prayer;
    The raging storm He routed.
  11. The LORD, their fears allaying,
    Bade storm and wind be still;
    Hushed were the waves, obeying
    Their Maker’s word and will.
    How happy were the men
    When He the calm provided
    And He their ship again
    To longed-for havens guided.
  12. Let all then thank their Savior
    And sing their songs of praise;
    He showed them love and favor
    In many wondrous ways.
    Let them exalt His fame
    Within their congregation;
    Let elders praise His Name
    In solemn convocation.
  13. Into dry land He changes
    The fields where streams abound.
    Clear springs and verdant ranges
    He turns to thirsty ground.
    To salty wastes He turned
    A land of fruit and flower,
    Because its people spurned
    His Word of truth and power.
  14. Into cool streams He changes
    A thirsty desert land;
    In parched and barren ranges
    Flow springs at His command.
    There He reveals His grace,
    Shows hungry ones His pity,
    Allows them in that place
    To build themselves a city.
  15. He grants them fields for sowing
    And vineyards to prepare;
    In harvests overflowing
    They see God’s wondrous care.
    His favor does not cease;
    Their garners they replenish.
    In numbers they increase;
    Their herds do not diminish.
  16. God pours contempt on princes
    When they His own oppress,
    Drives them with their pretences
    Into the wilderness.
    He, lifting them from woe,
    His people does remember;
    Like flocks their families grow,
    For He adds to their number.
  17. The upright with elation
    God’s mighty works acclaim;
    The wicked of all nations,
    Struck dumb, are put to shame.
    Let wise men then regard
    All this with awe and wonder,
    And, turning to the LORD,
    Let them His mercy ponder.