Psalm 112

William Helder, 1972 ©

  1. Come, praise the LORD; let all revere Him.
    Blest is the man who loves and fears Him,
    Who takes delight in His commandments.
    Blest shall be also his descendants;
    They shall be mighty in the nation,
    For blest shall be their generation.
  2. The just shall thrive in all endeavor;
    His righteousness endures forever.
    He is compassionate and gracious.
    Behold how light the gloom displaces:
    In darkest night it for him rises
    Who fair is in his enterprises.
  3. While generosity revealing,
    He justice shows in all his dealings.
    He stands upon a firm foundation;
    Unending is his name’s duration.
    The righteous, in the LORD confiding,
    Is not afraid of evil tidings.
  4. His gifts he on the needy showers;
    Behold his honor, fame, and power.
    His enemy looks in vexation
    Upon his courage and elation,
    But though he plots, provoked and jealous,
    To nought shall come the wicked’s malice.