Psalm 118
Dewey Westra, 1931
- Let all exalt Jehovah’s goodness,
For most compassionate is He;
His mercy, excellent in fullness,
Endureth to eternity.
Let Israel praise Jehovah’s goodness,
And say, Exalt His majesty;
His mercy, excellent in fullness,
Endureth to eternity.
Jehovah is my strength and tower;
He is my happiness and song;
He saved me in the trying hour, . . .
Hence shall my mouth His praise prolong.
The voice of gladness and salvation
Is in the tents of righteousness;
There do they sing with adoration;
The Lord’s right hand is strong to bless.
The Lord’s right hand is high exalted,
Jehovah’s strong and mighty hand;
The vaunting enemy He halted,
And made His chosen ones to stand.
I shall not die, but live before Him,
And all His mighty works declare,
That all may joyfully adore Him
Who in His lovingkindess share.
In truth, the Lord has sorely chastened,
But not to death delivered me;
In His paternal love He hastened
To mitigate my misery.
Now open at my salutation
The gates of truth and righteousness,
And I will enter with elation,
There to proclaim my thankfulness.
The stone the builders had rejected,
And in contempt refused to own,
To their dismay has been selected
To be the foremost cornerstone.
This thing is from the Lord Almighty,
It is a marvel in our eyes;
Man cannot understand it rightly
Nor fathom it in any wise.
This is the day of full salvation
That God has made and sanctified;
Come, let us voice our jubilation,
And triumph in the grace supplied.
Save, O Jehovah, we implore Thee,
Save now Thy people, e’en today;
Prosperity send Thou in mercy,
And favor us upon our way.
Now blessed be the King of Glory,
That cometh in Jehovah’s Name;
Out of His temple we adore Thee,
And all Thy blessedness proclaim.
The Lord is mighty; He provideth
A light for us when sore afraid;
Then be our thankful sacrifices
Upon the sacred altar laid.
Thou art my God, I will extol Thee,
And magnify Thy majesty;
My God, in glory none excel Thee,
Thy praise be to eternity.
Let all exalt Jehovah’s goodness,
For most compassionate is He;
His mercy, excellent in fullness,
Endureth to eternity.