Psalm 122

William Helder © 2003

  1. My heart exulted. I was glad
    When I heard eager voices call,
    “Come, let us go now, one and all,
    To Zion, to the house of God.”
    Our journey has been richly blest,
    For, O Jerusalem, at last
    Our feet within your gates are standing!
    Jerusalem! We stood in awe
    When we your strength and beauty saw
    While to your citadels ascending.
  2. Jerusalem, designed so well,
    Is built as close-knit unity;
    There flock together joyfully
    The tribes and clans of Israel.
    They to Jerusalem ascend,
    According to the LORD’S command,
    To thank Him with their adoration.
    For there are set the royal thrones
    Of David’s house, and there his sons
    With righteous judgments rule the nation.
  3. Pray that Jerusalem be blest:
    “May peace prevail within your walls,
    And safety in your citadels.
    May those who love you there find rest.”
    Now for the sake of friends and kin,
    Jerusalem, I say again:
    “May lasting peace be yours to cherish.”
    And mindful that the God of grace
    Has in your midst His dwelling place,
    I pray that you may thrive and flourish.