Psalm 147
William Helder, 1972 ©
- Come, praise the LORD! ‘Tis good and pleasant
To praise His mercy ever-present.
Sing to the LORD, our God and Savior,
Who shows His steadfast love and favor.
He builds Jerusalem’s foundations
And reunites His scattered nation.
The LORD heals all the brokenhearted,
For He binds up the wounds that smarted.
He counts the stars and knows their number;
Each one He will by name remember.
Our LORD is great, in power excelling,
His understanding past all telling.
The LORD lifts up the poor and humble,
But causes wicked men to stumble.
O come in thankfulness before Him;
With harp and joyful song adore Him.
With clouds He covers all the heavens;
Rain for the earth by Him is given.
The LORD makes grass on hillsides flourish;
All beasts and ravens He will nourish.
His joy could never have its sources
In warriors’ legs or strength of horses:
In those who fear Him He takes pleasure,
Who make His steadfast love their treasure.
Jerusalem, now praise your Savior!
O Zion, thank Him for His favor!
Your gates He strengthens by His power;
His blessings on your sons He’ll shower.
Within your walls in peace He leads you
And with the finest wheat He feeds you.
He swiftly from His habitation
Sends forth His word and proclamation.
When He the wintry cold increases,
He spreads the snow like woolly fleeces;
Like ashes He the hoarfrost scatters,
And hailstones on the earth He clatters.
Before His cold the water freezes
Till He the icy bonds releases:
He sends His word, and winds start blowing;
He melts the ice, and streams are flowing!
By Him Jerusalem is guided;
The LORD His statutes has provided,
His steadfast love to Jacob showing,
His word on Israel bestowing.
He dealt thus with no other nation;
They did not know His revelation.
Praise then the LORD, your gladness voicing
And in His steadfast love rejoicing!