Psalm 149

W. van der Kamp, 1972

  1. The LORD be praised! Come and adore Him
    By singing your new song before Him;
    Let all the faithful with rejoicing
    His praises now be voicing!
    Be glad in Him, O Israel!
    Your mighty Maker’s greatness tell.
    Let Zion’s sons to God, their King,
    Their jubil’nt homage bring.
  2. Let them proclaim His Name with dancing,
    With harp and song His praise advancing,
    For in His people God takes pleasure;
    They are His joy and treasure.
    The humble ones who to Him flee
    The LORD adorns with victory.
    Let all the just their glory voice
    And in their God rejoice.
  3. Let them kneel down and sing God’s praises
    While their right hand in vengeance raises
    A sword to end the profanations
    Of wayward heathen nations,
    To bring the peoples chastisement
    Because they God’s command resent,
    To bind their kings with iron chains
    Until no foe remains.
  4. Their kings and nobles will be smitten
    To execute the judgment written.
    God’s enemies who scorn repentance
    Receive now their just sentence.
    The verdict which His haters stuns
    Is glory to His faithful ones.
    Sing, all you saints, with one accord
    God’s greatness. Praise the LORD!