Psalm 43

Marie J. Post, 1981

  1. Defend me, LORD, from those who charge me
    With shameful insults, lies, and slurs.
    Come, save your servant from evil ones.
    In you alone I can find refuge.
    Why are you deaf to all my pleas
    About my enemies?
  2. Send out your light and truth to lead me,
    To bring me to your holy hill.
    I come to stand before you with joy,
    To bring the songs of my thanksgiving.
    To you, my LORD, I bring my praise
    For all your saving ways.
  3. My soul, why are you weak and downcast,
    Why do you weep, why beg for aid?
    Why so disquieted, so disturbed?
    Go to the LORD of your salvation.
    Put all your hope in God and praise
    Him for his saving grace.