Psalm 47
Dewey Westra, 1931
- Praise the LORD, ye lands! Nations clap your hands,
Shout aloud to God, Spread His fame abroad.
Praise Him loud and long With a triumph song;
Bow as ye draw nigh, for the LORD Most High,
Terrible is He in His dignity;
And His kingdom’s girth circles all the earth.
God has gone on high with a joyful cry;
Hosts with trumpet sound make His praise abound.
Sing ye praise to God, tell His fame abroad,
Take a Psalm and shout, let His praise ring out,
Lift your voice and sing glory to our King;
He is Lord of earth, magnify His worth.
Praise His majesty understandingly;
God is King alone on His holy throne,
Issues His commands to all heathen lands.
Lo, their princes all gather at His call:
His the shields of earth, His the power, the worth;
He, the God on high, is our Helper nigh.