Psalm 6
Clarence Walhout, 1982
- LORD, chasten not in anger,
Nor in your wrath rebuke me.
Give me your healing word.
My soul and body languish;
I wait for you in anguish.
How long, how long, O LORD?
- Turn to me now, uphold me;
For your love’s sake restore me.
O save me by your grace.
For death ends all remembrance;
It wraps the tongue in silence.
How can the dead sing praise?
- Pain and distress o’erwhelm me,
I cry all night for mercy,
My bed is wet with tears.
My eyes can weep no longer;
My enemies seem stronger,
My awful foes and fears.
- All who love evil, leave me,
For God has heard my weeping:
My foes are put to shame.
Turned back, no more to grieve me,
They suddenly shall leave me.
All glory to his name!