Psalm 68
Psalter Hymnal, 1987
- Let God arise and by his might
Put all his enemies to flight
With shame and consternation.
For when the LORD God shall appear,
He will consume, afar and near,
With fire and desolation.
As smoke before his dreadful ire,
As wax is molten by the fire,
So shall the wicked perish.
But let the righteous, blest of old,
Joy in their God and now behold
The victory they cherish.
Exalt, exalt the name of God!
Sing, sing his royal fame abroad
With fervent exaltation.
Cast up a highway smooth and wide,
That through the deserts he may ride;
The LORD is our salvation.
God’s mighty power sets prisoners free;
His arm of strength gains victory,
To rebels shows no pity.
The father of the fatherless
And help for widows in distress
Is God in Zion’s city.
LORD, when you led us on our march,
The rain poured down from heaven’s arch
And earth shook with the thunder.
Mount Sinai quaked before the LORD,
And heaven answered Israel’s God;
All trembled at the wonder.
Abundant showers blessed the way,
Refreshed your people every day
And lifted up their spirit.
You brought them to the promised land,
You poured forth bounty from your hand;
A home they did inherit.
God gives commands-a mighty host
Of messengers brings back this boast:
“God’s enemies are fleeing!
Both kings and armies flee away
Before the LORD, who wins the day,
God’s cause and ours agreeing!”
At home, mid common daily toil,
Our people sort the foreign spoil,
New wealth from God receiving.
When God Almighty scatters foes,
His glory shines like mountain snows
And kings stop their rebelling.
Proud Bashan, mount of many peaks,
Not from your summit our Lord speaks,
Nor makes you his own dwelling.
Our Lord with captives in his train
From Sinai to Mount Zion came
With chariot host excelling.
Ten thousand times ten thousand strong,
Arrayed in light and armed with song,
They shamed the noise of thunder.
His glory filled the holy place,
And even rebels knew his grace;
They brought him gifts and plunder.
Give praise to God with reverence deep;
He daily comes our lives to keep
And kindly bears our burdens.
Our God upholds us in the strife;
To us he grants eternal life
And saves from all that threatens.
God crushes heads of enemies;
He brings them back from farthest seas
For Israel’s jubilation.
He hears the needy when they cry;
He saves their souls when death draws nigh:
This God is our salvation.
Processions come with God the King;
With shouts of joy the portals ring
As God comes to his temple.
With harps and timbrels, choirs sing,
And maidens dance before their King,
While all Mount Zion trembles.
Praise God, praise God, you holy throng,
With praises lift his name in song;
Bless God, O congregation.
Here Benjamin, the least, leads on;
There Judah’s princes, Zebulun,
And Naphtali-one nation.
Show us your strength, O LORD of hosts,
So every king who comes to boast
Will honor and obey you.
LORD, for your temple’s sake make right
Those wasteland lives now filled with blight;
Stop those who would defy you.
Trample to dust beneath your feet
Those who delight in war’s deceit,
All those who lust for plunder.
Let plunderers bring their ill-gained hoard;
Let every nation praise the LORD,
Lift up their hands in wonder.
All nations of the earth, exult,
Raise Psalms of praise to heaven’s vault,
God’s ancient throne and dwelling.
God rides his chariot in the height,
He thunders forth his royal right;
God reigns, all kings excelling.
Proclaim the awesome power of God,
Make known his mighty deeds abroad;
All Israel shall extol him.
For he is powerful and great:
All earth and skies are his estate;
His majesty excels them.