Psalm 76
William Helder, 1972 ©
- In Judah’s land prevails God’s fame,
And great in Israel is His Name.
In Salem stands His tent of praise;
In Zion is His dwelling-place.
There shield and sword no longer rattle:
He broke all weapons used in battle.
Thy glory longer shall endure
Than mountain heights that stand secure!
Stouthearted men, deprived of spoil,
Sank in to sleep and ceased their toil;
And men of might became weak-handed
Once Thou their downfall hadst commanded.
O God of Jacob, by Thy will
Both horse and rider now lie still.
But Thou, God, terrible art Thou!
For who can stand before Thee now
And face Thy angry indignation
As it resounds through all creation?
The earth in silence, struck with fear,
Did from above Thy verdict hear.
For God arose and judgment gave,
That the afflicted He might save.
Thou from men’s wrath Thy praise ordainest;
Thy further anger Thou restrainest.
Then let all men in worship bow
And pay unto the LORD their vow.
Let all present Him gifts of worth,
For He does awesome deeds on earth.
He stops the breath of kings and princes
And sweeps away their proud pretences.