Psalm 77
W. van der Kamp, 1972, rev.
- I cry out, that God may hear me
And with help be ever near me.
To the LORD I cry aloud
By a weight of troubles bowed.
I stretch out my hands to reach Him;
Day and night my prayers beseech Him.
To my God my grief I told;
I refuse to be consoled.
I remember God with weeping.
Thou dost keep my eyes from sleeping.
With a spirit faint and weak,
So distressed I cannot speak,
Days and years of old I ponder.
In the dark of night I wonder,
And my spirit finds no rest:
“Where is God, who once us blessed?”
“Will the LORD spurn us forever
And us from His covenant sever?
Why is He, our God, displeased?
Has His steadfast love now ceased
And the promises He made us?
Will the LORD forget to aid us?
Does He in His wrath withhold
All His mercies from of old?”
And I say, “This grief besets me,
That the God Most High forgets me
And His right hand now has changed,
That I am from Him estranged.”
LORD, I will recall Thy wonders;
On Thy deeds of old I ponder,
On Thy works I meditate,
Musing on Thy deeds so great.
O my God, Thy way is holy;
For Thy greatness we extol Thee.
What god is there, strong and great
Like our God, so high in state?
For Thou art the God whose glory
Makes the peoples bow before Thee.
Thy strong arm redeemed and freed
Jacob’s sons and Joseph’s seed.
When the waters, all assembled,
Saw Thee, God, they writhed and trembled.
Fear convulsed their mighty sweep,
Terror shook the hidden deep.
Clouds poured rain, with thunders crashing,
On all sides Thy arrows flashing.
When Thy hand its lightnings hurled,
Thou didst rock and shake the world.
Through the sea Thy way did lead Thee;
Wind and tossing waves did heed Thee.
Mighty waters fled in awe,
Yet no man Thy footprints saw.
LORD, Thy people Thou hast guided,
Shepherds for Thy flock provided:
Moses, Aaron, by their hand
Led them to the promised land.