Psalm 82
W. van der Kamp, 1972; rev.
- In solemn courts the gods assemble;
Before the LORD they stand and tremble,
For in their midst He took His place,
And all that live His judgment face.
“How long yet will you disobey Me?
You judge unjustly and dismay Me,
For you show partiality
To wicked men whose sins you see.
“Give justice to the weak and heed them;
Grant rights to orphans when they need them;
Maintain the cause of sick and poor;
Make the afflicted one secure.
Withstand the clamor of the greedy;
Rescue the weak, be with the needy,
And free them from the wicked’s hand;
Ward off the evils he has planned.”
They have no wit or understanding,
And knowledge they are not demanding;
The justice of the LORD they flout;
In darkness deep they walk about.
The order of the world is shaken,
For evil counsels they have taken;
Since they unjust decrees unfold,
All earth’s foundations no more hold.
I say to you, “As gods I crowned you;
As sons of the Most High I count you.
Yet, since all justice you defy,
Like other men, you too shall die.
You’ll fall like any other princes
And rulers with their proud pretences.”
Arise, O God, the earth now judge:
All nations are Thy heritage.