Psalm 89
Psalter Hymnal, 1987
- Forever I will sing of your great love, O LORD,
To every changing age your faithfulness to record.
I will declare how firm your steadfast love is founded,
Established in the skies with faithfulness unbounded.
You promised David that his throne would last forever.
Your covenant with him no power on earth can sever.
The heavens praise, O LORD, your wonders day and night.
The angel hosts on high all tremble at your might.
Almighty God, your faithfulness stands round about you.
You rule the raging seas; no evil foes can rout you.
The heavens and earth are yours; your power is unbounded.
In faithfulness and might the whole wide world is founded.
Your faithfulness and righteousness forever stand.
Your justice and your love reach out to all the land.
You bathe in love and power the people who adore you.
Most blest are those, O LORD, who shout their praise before you,
Who walk in paths of light, enjoying your protection;
Their shield is Israel’s God, the God of all perfection.
Of old your vision came to David, as you said:
“I offer him the crown, my oil upon his head.
I will abide with him; my hand will not forsake him.
His enemies will fear; their armies will not break him.
My steadfast love and power will go with him forever.
I’ll set his hand on every sea and every river.”
“You are my God and Rock,” my chosen one will cry.
Among the kings he’ll reign, the highest of the high.
Although his children stray, I’ll fix his throne forever.
My covenant made with David’s line I will not sever.
As long as sun and moon shine faithfully before me,
From his established throne King David will adore me.
But now, O LORD, in wrath you turn against your own.
You have removed his crown, cast down his royal throne.
His enemies rejoice, with scornful laughter greet him.
Their armies lay him low; in battle they defeat him.
You turned his scepter and his throne to desolation;
His joy and youth are changed to shame and violation.
How long, O LORD, how long? Forever will you hide?
How long before your raging flames of wrath subside?
Whose life is more than dust? Is death not at the portal?
Who can outwit the grave or claim to be immortal?
LORD, note how foes now scorn the king you once appointed.
Restore your covenant vows to David, your anointed.
- Doxology:
Sing praises to the LORD, sing amen and amen!
The praise we sing on earth, heaven echoes back again.
Your faithfulness we see in mighty acts of wonder.
Blest are all those, O LORD, whose praises rise like thunder.
Your steadfast love goes on and on-it ceases never.
We sing, “Blest be the LORD forever and forever.”