Psalm 92

David Koyzis ©

  1. It is so good to give thanks and praises to the Lord,
    And to play music to the honor of the Most High;
    To tell his love at daybreak, his faithfulness at night,
    By music of the harp and to the strains of zither.
  2. My heart is happy, O Lord, at what Your hands have done,
    And I will joyfully acclaim Your great achievements.
    How great Your works, O Lord! how profound Your every thought!
    The foolish do not know, for they lack understanding.
  3. Like grass the wicked may grow and evildoers thrive,
    But though they flourish now, they soon will meet destruction.
    Lord, You are high exalted and rule for evermore.
    Your enemies shall flee, the wicked shall be scattered.
  4. You have exalted my strength and made me like the ox;
    You have anointed me with oil upon my forehead.
    Now I have seen and heard of my enemies' defeat.
    The righteous stand like palms; they grow as tall as cedars.
  5. Planted within the Lord's house, they flourish in his courts.
    They still are green and yet bear fruit though they be aged.
    We joyfully proclaim that the Lord is ever just.
    In him who is our Rock there is no trace of evil.